Monday, 17 October 2011

The Dukes Theatre Art Exhibition to celebrate World Mental Health Week

Zebra by Alan Crawshaw
Sold for £20
The Exhibition that we had spent weeks planning towards was a great success and ran from the 26th September till 4th October was also incorporated in the "Wired in"monthly event that is run at the Dukes at their request.

 Artwork from other local projects including the Hearing Voices group, the Adult College and Peer Support were included in the exhibition as well as work by local artists linked to The Helm.
We had live music spanish gypsy folk style and drinks to create a wonderful lively atmostphere and sold our artwork through a silent bidding system which worked very well and meant that people were free to bid on pictures to the value of what they thought they were worth!
This was the first exhibition we have held and it gave service users a massive boost as to our possibilites for future exhibitions and events.

Blue Guitar by Louis Barthein
sold for £40

Cupcake purse by Vicky Shepherd
Sold for £6

African Lady by Alan Crawshaw
Sold for £35

Vincent Van Gogh
Still for Sale

The Exhibition opening on 26th September at The Dukes Gallery
was a great event enjoyed by everyone who attended!
We raised around £300 through silent bidding over the week.

Mixed Media piece created by service users and staff at The Helm