Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Music Sessions running on Mondays

During the recent events towards the end of last year, several people accessing The Helm were also attending a series of  workshops run through The Dukes.
These were music classes specifically for people suffering from mental health problems. 
We contributed to this event by working in partnership with other local projects and supporting service users who performed, as the classes culminated in a Concert to raise awareness for World Mental Health Week.  An Infamous local musician, Owen Saunders whom we’d hired to perform at the opening night of our Mental Health Art Exhibition running at the same time in late September is now volunteering kindly at The Helm, running music workshops with the same people who were involved at the concert and a couple of others.
       There is a small group of around 4/5 people who meet weekly to play together in the group and we have noticed that the routine of this activity has contributed to a focus and productivity in those involved.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Sessions incorporating Volunteering and Skill building Opportunities

Hanging heart decorations made by Dawn Williams

Art for Relaxation with support from our Artist in Residence
Creative Writing
Confidence and Motivational Skills                     
Relaxation and Meditation
Photography and Walking Session
Social Enterprise at The Helm Allotment
Fitness and Wellbeing Group
Music Group run by a Volunteer
Poetry Writing
Volunteering in the Café / Cooking
Helping with daily tasks around the centre
Weekly facilitation of The Helm Service User Meeting
Contribution towards Creative Support’s Magazine/ Newsletter
Working towards Helm Events ie: Craft Fairs,  Exhibitions & Promotional Events
Feeling of mutual responsibility and pride over the service
Flexibility tailored towards individual need and as a whole
Assistance with communicating with other Services (telephone/ meetings)
Esucceed  Online Computer Course, IT Support (as and when)
Financial Budgeting Support
Form Filling Skills                                         
Peer Support towards newcomers
Showing visitors around
Social Enterprise
Promotional Work/ Raising Awareness

New Venture Community Allotment in Fairfield

Before any tidying

Once the land had been turned over potatoes and other veg
was planted to be harvested later on in the year!

    The community allotment is now up and running based at Fairfield, just around the corner from us. There is a lot of tidying up to do so each Tuesday afternoon, anyone willing to join us at the allotment came come with wellies or boots, and sun hat if we’re lucky enough with the weather, and help us tidy, plant and turn over the plots. We need to water the vegetables regularly and weed out every few weeks.
Steven and David working hard

Once the vegetables and fruit have grown and can be picked, we intend to bring them back to the centre to be used in the café.
So far we have done two sessions in the allotment! It has been dug over in rows for potatoes and vegetables