Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Windermere Trip on 17th May

Due to the new floor being laid in anticipation of the opening of the extension, we closed the centre for a day.
We treated everyone to a trip to Windermere, hired a mini bus and subsidised the boat trip from Bow ness to Ambleside.
We had lunch in Ambleside, walked around and explored, then hopped back on the boat again for the 45 minute leisurely ride back to the mini bus.
 It was a lovely warm spring day.
John and the Swans!
Claire and David  waiting for everyone to finish their snacks
so we can catch the boat to Ambleside

Sarifa, Muntaz, Joan, John and Claire queuing for the boat

Lawrence enjoying the view!

The stairs up to the roof level. Arty photo!

Sarifa, Mary and Muntaz looking out over the lake

Some rowing boats for hire on the shore


Alan, Leanne and Emma on the boat

Everyone enjoying  a cuppa on the deck

Good enough to eat