Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Creative Writing and Poetry Sessions

York House in Morecambe
Wednesdays 1.00pm till 3.00pm

We have been running Creative Writing and Poetry Sessions at York House in Morecambe since the service began. The emphasis initially was on Poetry but currently we are four weeks in to a new set of sessions which combine the two.
The idea behind the approach towards the sessions having begun with the theme "Observation and Assumptions around people Watching"  includes walks around the facilities in Morecambe combined with a Photography session. This was based on how differently people see the world as individuals and the personal journey by observing people in public places.
The photographs are then used as a way of creating a stimulating discussion that prompt ideas to take us to the starting point into writing a short piece.

Lots of pictures were taken of the memorial to Eric Morecambe.
This is one that we thought was particularily interesting.

 This is a beautiful poem written by someone who attends the sessions written at the beginning of the year during the Poetry class. We started the session with a bag filled with random items and wrote about what memories were stirred by them. Paul got a string of black beads.

Earrings made for the Easter Craft Fair
by Paul Sanderson 

Your beads are the thing
For whatever you days
That we would together go

 Around your neck they hung
and matched your black number
that you occasionally wore

 For dressing up, no that's  
not kind of me, for you had 
 better things to do, i'm sure

  To remind me of than these
  non descript ivory, ok plasticated
  Cherry, yet somehow beautiful


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