Monday, 11 November 2013

The Helm Christmas Craft Fair
Art Exhibition 

Saturday 30th November 11am until 3pm
 At The Helm Mental Health Drop In Service
1st Floor, Telephone House, Fenton Street, Lancaster.
Telephone no: 01524 840521
Come to our popular Christmas Craft Fair & Art Exhibition and find some bargain last minute presents for friends and family that are truly unique!
 Everything for sale is made lovingly by people from many walks of life who attend Art/ Sewing Workshops or are linked to The Helm. There will be a wide variety of handicrafts and artwork made in the centre for sale, as well as various stalls from other partnership services and freelance artists. A raffle will be held with prizes
donated from local businesses in aid of our worthy cause to help promote the
service and build awareness. For families there will also be a children’s room with Art and Crafts Activities, Lucky Dip and plenty of fun to be had.
Homemade food, delicious cakes and refreshments will also be for sale in our bright welcoming cybercafé at affordable prices. All are warmly welcome.
Free Entry               Come and support your local Charity!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Updated Sessions running at The Helm Mental Health Drop In Service January 2014


Badminton Mental Health Group @ Salt Ayre 12.30am till 1.30pm
Come along to socialise and enjoy a game of Badminton.
Arrive 15 minutes before start of the session.
Small informal group.
Racquets provided but a small cost of £1.75 required towards court hire.
If you’re interested please ask for Rosie.
Crown Green Bowling 1.30pm till 3.00pm meet @ The Helm
Come try your hand at Crown Green Bowling where we’ll be learning new skills and techniques.
Meet at The Helm to travel as a group to local pitch.
Ask David if you have any queries regarding this session.

Baking Session @ The Helm 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies and cakes to take home for tea!
 Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Art for Relaxation @ The Helm 11.00am till 12.30am 
                                     also from  2.00pm till  3.30pm
A good opportunity to unleash your creative talent through any medium you like, including painting, crafts or mixed media.
We also work towards annual Helm events such as our Easter/Summer and Winter Craft fairs, Art  Exhibitions to raise awareness and reduce stigma.
If you’re interested please ask for Rosie.
The Helm Ramblers meet @ The Helm 10.00am   return tba on the day
Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month
Fancy a refreshing walking experience led by an experienced walking guide
in and around the local area/ district
For more information please ask David.

Sewing for Fun @ The Helm 10.30am till 12.30am
Surprise yourself and create something new from materials donated to and generated by The Helm.
This friendly and informal group will help you build up your confidence
and work on a project at your own pace.
Professional input available from our skilled volunteers and friendly staff.
Options to help towards creating work to sell at our popular craft fairs also available.
If you’re interested in this class please ask for Rosie.
Relaxation and Meditation @ The Helm 2.00pm till 3.00pm
An opportunity to take some time out to do some gentle stretching exercises, listen to a guided meditation along to music.
 Come and join in and relieve your worries in this informal group.
Includes complimentary smoothie at the end of the session.
If you’re interested in this class please ask for Lawrence
Baking Session @ The Helm 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies and cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
If you’re interested please ask at The Helm for more details
 Helvellyn Hikers meet @ The Helm 10.00am
Only on last Thursday of every month
The aim of this group is to go to The Lake District, The How Gills or The Yorkshire Dales.
Walks will be 8 miles or more, up hills and mountains.
Walking equipment such as boots, waterproofs and a rucksack essential
To book a limited place on this trip please ask to speak to David.
Photography/Walking Session meet @ The Helm 11.00am till 1.30pm
Local walks combined with the opportunity for a café break.
 Photography with ongoing IT support on digital imaging and editing as well as discussions on layout and short projects.
If you’re interested in this class please ask for Lawrence.
Weekly Service User Meeting @ The Helm 2.00pm till 2.30pm & Quiz 2.30pm till 3.30pm
An important opportunity to come along to voice and be involved in decisions made as to the running of the service and present ideas for future progressions.
Also to be up to date on current plans on the weekly schedule. Free brew and cake for all attendees!
The quiz always causes a lot of excitement.
It’s comprised of a general knowledge and picture round.
 It is free and takes place in the comfy sofa area in the new extension.
The winning team has a complementary drink/biscuit from our café!

Baking Session @ The Helm 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies and cakes to take home for tea!
 Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
If you’re interested please ask for Sue.
Creative Writing @ The Helm 2.30pm till 3.30pm
Inspired creative thoughts in poetry, verse and short written pieces,
discussion around ideas and a chance to talk about your writing in a small informal group.
If you’re interested in this class please ask for Rosie.
Activity and Wellbeing Group @ meet at The Helm/ then after 2 weeks moving to Morecambe on a permanent basis 1.30pm till 3.30pm
An opportunity to get out and do some exercise! This course will involve Walking, Swimming, Tennis, Relaxation and other therapeutic activities.
Ask Lawrence for further information on this session.
If you have any questions about any of the sessions, please feel free to ask by ringing us on 01524 840521 at The Helm or alternatively email us on


The Helm's Collaboration Art Exhibition "New Horizons" as part of Mental Health Week









Monday, 21 October 2013

New Horizons Mental Health Awareness Week Art Exhibition


Arabic Woman by Ian Stafford
New Horizons was our biggest organised event to date. It was an eclectic exhibition displaying artwork to help build awareness and reduce the stigma that still surrounds mental health, as part of mental health awareness week which ran from 7th till 13th October.
The exhibition was an amalgamation of work from talented and creative artists who are accessing many local services and charities in different ways. Work was produced through many kinds of therapeutic creative sessions run through The Helm Mental Health Drop In Service Art for Relaxation and Sewing for Fun classes as well as through Art classes run through another local services that work help enable people called Positive Futures, Help Direct, Ridge Lea Hospital and The Adult College.
Included in the exhibition was work from the wonderful Storey Artists, who based at The Storey Institute also celebrated last weekend their 30th anniversary.
There were canapés, a bar and acoustic live music on the open evening in the gallery area. It was a really successful evening and helped a great deal to promote the service, reduce stigma and build awareness on what is available to people in our local area.

Our Exhibition  at The Storey Institute



Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Windermere Trip on 17th May

Due to the new floor being laid in anticipation of the opening of the extension, we closed the centre for a day.
We treated everyone to a trip to Windermere, hired a mini bus and subsidised the boat trip from Bow ness to Ambleside.
We had lunch in Ambleside, walked around and explored, then hopped back on the boat again for the 45 minute leisurely ride back to the mini bus.
 It was a lovely warm spring day.
John and the Swans!
Claire and David  waiting for everyone to finish their snacks
so we can catch the boat to Ambleside

Sarifa, Muntaz, Joan, John and Claire queuing for the boat

Lawrence enjoying the view!

The stairs up to the roof level. Arty photo!

Sarifa, Mary and Muntaz looking out over the lake

Some rowing boats for hire on the shore


Alan, Leanne and Emma on the boat

Everyone enjoying  a cuppa on the deck

Good enough to eat

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Art Projects at The Helm

The Art for Relaxation classes are continuing to produce beautiful pieces of work.
Some like the one below are based on a famous original which is then divided into segments, then painted by different individuals. The difference in styles really adds extra magic to the final piece. We then glue it to a hardboard painted background and fix it up on a wall.

The Cottage by Vincent Van Gogh.
 We chose this particular piece as we thought it was an interesting textural painting
with plenty of scope for exploration

Finished Result!
Up in the Cafe currently on the wall above the signing in book.
We think it's better than the original

This is the third large piece that has been created by the group.
As they have been easy to produce we have been thinking of perhaps offering our  services to produce creative comissioned pieces to enliven public buildings to help further generate funds for The Helm. This in turn will help to increase awareness of the The Helm and what we offer to the community.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Helm New Sessions as from 1st April 2013
Games/Social Session 2.00-3.00pm
Nice opportunity to catch up and have an informal relax playing a variety of games of your choice
Including a free cuppa and snack
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Art for Relaxation 11.00am till 12.30 then 2.00pm to 3.30pm
A good opportunity to unleash your creative talents through any medium you like, including painting, crafts or mixed media. We also work towards annual Helm exhibitions such as our seasonal craft fairs, mental health exhibitions to celebrate world mental health week.
The Helm Ramblers 10.00am return tba on the day
Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month
Sewing for Fun 10.30am till 12.30am
Surprise yourself and create something new from materials donated to The Helm. This friendly and informal group will help you build up confidence and work on a project at your own pace. Professional input and support available from our skilled volunteers and friendly staff. Options to help towards creating work to sell at our popular craft fairs also available.
Relaxation and Meditation 2.00pm till 3.00pm
An opportiunity to take some time out to do gentle stretching exercises, listen to a guided meditation along to music. Come and join in and relieve your worries in this informal group.
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Photography/ Walking Session 11.00am till 1.30pm
Local walks combined with an opportunity for a cafe break and photography with ongoing IT support on digital imaging and editing as well as discussions on layout and short projects.
Weekly Service User Meeting 2.00pm till 2.30pm
An important opportunity to come along to voice and be involved in decisions made as to the running of the service and present ideas as to future progressions. Also to be up to date on current plans in the weekly schedule! Free cuppa and cake!
Quiz / Bingo 2.30pm till 3.30pm
The fortnightly quiz/bingo on alternating weeks stirs a lot of excitement at The Helm. The quiz is free. The winning team has a complementary free drink/biscuit from the cafe!
Bingo is  £1.00 a strip and there are many great prizes to be won.
Confidence through Craft 11.00am till 12.30pm
A chance to socialise and learn new skills through a variety of creative activities involving mixed media, card making, up cycled jewellery and many other mediums
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Creative Writing 2.30pm till 3.30pm
Inspired creative thoughts in poetry, verse and short written pieces, discussion around ideas from penning memories to writing a book.
Activity & Well Being Session 1.30pm till 3.30pm
An oppportunity to get out and do some exercise. This course will involve walking, cycling, swimming, tennis and other relaxing activities.