Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Helm New Sessions as from 1st April 2013
Games/Social Session 2.00-3.00pm
Nice opportunity to catch up and have an informal relax playing a variety of games of your choice
Including a free cuppa and snack
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Art for Relaxation 11.00am till 12.30 then 2.00pm to 3.30pm
A good opportunity to unleash your creative talents through any medium you like, including painting, crafts or mixed media. We also work towards annual Helm exhibitions such as our seasonal craft fairs, mental health exhibitions to celebrate world mental health week.
The Helm Ramblers 10.00am return tba on the day
Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month
Sewing for Fun 10.30am till 12.30am
Surprise yourself and create something new from materials donated to The Helm. This friendly and informal group will help you build up confidence and work on a project at your own pace. Professional input and support available from our skilled volunteers and friendly staff. Options to help towards creating work to sell at our popular craft fairs also available.
Relaxation and Meditation 2.00pm till 3.00pm
An opportiunity to take some time out to do gentle stretching exercises, listen to a guided meditation along to music. Come and join in and relieve your worries in this informal group.
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Photography/ Walking Session 11.00am till 1.30pm
Local walks combined with an opportunity for a cafe break and photography with ongoing IT support on digital imaging and editing as well as discussions on layout and short projects.
Weekly Service User Meeting 2.00pm till 2.30pm
An important opportunity to come along to voice and be involved in decisions made as to the running of the service and present ideas as to future progressions. Also to be up to date on current plans in the weekly schedule! Free cuppa and cake!
Quiz / Bingo 2.30pm till 3.30pm
The fortnightly quiz/bingo on alternating weeks stirs a lot of excitement at The Helm. The quiz is free. The winning team has a complementary free drink/biscuit from the cafe!
Bingo is  £1.00 a strip and there are many great prizes to be won.
Confidence through Craft 11.00am till 12.30pm
A chance to socialise and learn new skills through a variety of creative activities involving mixed media, card making, up cycled jewellery and many other mediums
Baking Session 2.00pm till 3.30pm
Gentle cooking session baking pies or cakes to take home for tea!
Small cost for ingredients payable on the day.
Limited places available so ask a member of staff for more information.
Creative Writing 2.30pm till 3.30pm
Inspired creative thoughts in poetry, verse and short written pieces, discussion around ideas from penning memories to writing a book.
Activity & Well Being Session 1.30pm till 3.30pm
An oppportunity to get out and do some exercise. This course will involve walking, cycling, swimming, tennis and other relaxing activities.

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