Friday, 19 October 2012

Mural created during our Art Sessions on Tuesdays for the new extension at The Helm.


Recently we have been given the opportunity to expand the Helm's premises which means now that in addition to the already existing centre, we  have a further couple of session rooms, a sewing room where textiles will be made towards craft fairs and an open seating and meeting area. This has caused quite a lot of excitement  at The Helm and everyone has been very keen to get involved in the decorating of the new extension.


We had wanted to create a calming mural of a natural scene so we decided on The Olive Trees By Van Gogh. The image was divided into 12 sections and during our Art For Relaxation we spent a few sessions fine tuning the paintings




By the end of the first session the canvases looked like this
 and you can start to see the image take shape


The Final Result!!

The piece of artwork in the sitting area.
 The new big room in the extension.


  1. aire bra
    Dear admin i am too much satisfied from your post. I hope you will countinue your good work,
    i have no words which i say you, May God bless you and you will keep continue it.....

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We're very proud of what we have achieved here at the centre.

  2. step up
    When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.
